Saturday, July 05, 2008
Today out with debs, Fir, and Doreen. WAh not bad ah, debbie have become hotter and hotter, doreen too, and doreen cut bangs and bob.. LOL.. mushroom doreen
well, cute lar cute lar. LOL (lazy to post pictures)
Debbie, u good. leave early. heavy colour light friends. HAHAHA.. better don do this in December, i will kill you.
So, left doreen and me, after fir left too. so we went to carrefour and decided to camwhore there. since there are so many people. we scout around to look for places that has either nobody, or little people. below is one of the extract...
WAlking past the liqour area where it is completely empty
ZH: Do, do u see what i see?
D: yes i saw that
ZH: aer u thinking what i am thinking?
D: i guess so.... HAHAHHA
*RUSH into the store and camwhore.
HAHAHA... and we came up with the concept of "SHOOT AND SCOOT". take a photo, then run. LOL..
Took quite a lot of photos, had a hell of a time, and certainly wan more of these outing to come. i guess that is only possible in DEc. nvr mind, it will pass fast.
;rock YOU.
6:05 AM
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
Line have a tension limit, once its stretch, it will break, just like a rubber band. Beware, it might smack you in the hand
;rock YOU.
5:32 AM